Roger Bray Books

Ellie Douglas

I am really happy to start a new feature on my website – Meet Other Authors. I am starting off with Ellie Douglas, a horror writer, born and raised in New Zealand. A graduate of Massey, is a freelance graphic artist, spent 10 years working with Autistic Children, and has done some overseas travelling. She is a member of NZSA and SpecFicNZ. Ellie has two brothers, one younger, one older, both of whom she adores dearly. Ellie is a very warm, fun-loving, friendly, generously giving woman, she’s mysterious and enjoys keeping the suspense going. She is hard-working, loyal and very down to earth.

Ellie, thanks for taking the time to take part, I suppose the most obvious starting point is if you could you tell us about yourself?

I’m a mother to four children. I live in New Zealand, I’m half Greek and half New Zealander. I love life and love being able to give a reader something they haven’t read before. I love to challenge myself and am always striving to be better. I’m a summer girl and a hater of winter. I love movies of all genre’s and of course I love to read. My family is everything to me. I’m also a huge The Walking Dead Fan! 🙂

How long have you been writing?

For a few years now 🙂

Tell us about one of, or your most recent book?

I just finished writing two books, I’ll tell you about the anthology that I just finished. It is filled with

Ten scary and funny tales bringing a totally new look at the zombie genre, where they come from, how they got there and what they do. I don’t want to give away too much but it will have you chuckling, while looking under your bed. Everything from gorefests, to sexy erotica, to hilarious macabre. It will be something totally new to the market and offers a twist on every tale with detailed pictures as well.

Our gallery

What do you love about writing?

I love to scare people, I love to gross people out. I love to give readers something that they haven’t read before. I love writing so much it is without a doubt my second air.

How do you get inspired/ where do you get your ideas?

A lot of my inspiration comes from my own children, and from movies, books and from just chatting with someone.

Do you have a specific writing process?

No, I just write when I can 🙂

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Research. I can’t express this enough. Do your research and make sure you have a professional editor.

What are you currently working on? How long before release?

I just finished two books, a novel and an anthology. I’m currently not working on anything new just yet, though my mind is fast filling with many new story ideas.

Who are your favourite authors?

James Herbert, Stephen King and Lovecraft.

Do you have any favourite fictional characters?

Yes from my book series ‘Hounded’ Bellamy and Lily are my favorite fictional characters. Though if you were asking about other people’s books I’d have to say Annie Wilkes from Misery she was the best and one of my all-time favourites.

Any fun facts about you that you would like to share?

Yes, fun facts about me, I am a professional cover designer making book covers for other authors, another fun fact about me is I create adult coloring books and I also made a casino game Infinity Slots 🙂

Catch up with Ellie at her fantastic website

And check out Hounded, and Ellie’s other brilliant books on Amazon.

3 thoughts on “Ellie Douglas”

  1. Really cool interesting guest. Thanks for sharing here. I cannot follow on twitter as I am not allowed any more to follow any more at the moment. Good luck and much success.

  2. Ilene Goff Kaufmann

    Great interview Ellie! I love getting to know a little more about authors via interviews, and Roger Bray is the greatest at asking questions! You sound like a fun person Ellie! One of my favorite characters is Annie Wilkes From Misery as well. So sweet, but so demented!😀😀
    Wishing you both much success!!! Looking forward to more interviews Roger!

  3. maureen j i turner

    A smashing interview. It shows the fun loving side of Ellie Douglas. I like how she reveals that some of the inspiration for her Zombie novels comes from her children. Gotta love that comment. Good luck with any future novels Ellie.

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