Kate Moloney tells me her favourite books to read are crime, thriller, mystery, psychological and police procedurals. She is planning to expand her horizons a little to include sci-fi, fantasy and YA novels too as crime can only go in so many directions! She finally decided to start blogging about books and reading because as much as she enjoys everyone else’s blogs, pages and sites, she wanted to create my own.
Can you tell us about yourself please?
Sure! My name is Kate Moloney, I’m from Ireland and I’m a married mom of two. I love to read, and have done ever since I was young. I am useless at these “about me” things, and I envy anyone who can fill them in easily, haha!
How did you become involved in book blogging?
I have always been a reader, but when I was expecting our youngest I decided that while I had the time, I would start the blog to share the book love. So it kind of started out of a need to keep busy and as a place to talk about what I was reading. But also because I am the only person in my family that reads so much, I had nowhere to discuss the books!
What is the best thing about blogging? What is the worst thing?
I don’t think there is a singular best thing as such; I do think that blogging gives you great opportunities though. I have been lucky enough to read some brilliant books really early, I have had the privilege of meeting some of my favourite authors and I’ve made some lovely friends thanks to starting the blog.
In terms of the worst, that is a bit subjective too. For me, I find it hard to read under pressure, so this year I’ve had to take a bit of a break to try and get myself into a better headspace for it.
What is your favourite genre? What genres do you review?
Initially, I would have said crime/thriller books, but I haven’t been reading them for the past couple of months as I’ve noticed they don’t help when you have anxiety and panic attacks. So I’ve had to switch up my reading habits. My new favourite genre is probably YA fantasy as its just super fun.
As it stands, I’m closed to reviews, but I would read YA, fantasy, sci-fi and maybe a crime/thriller book at a push. I’m hoping that will all change when I get the anxiety under control!
How do you go about writing a review?
I may own tons of notebooks, but I am quite disorganised when it comes to writing reviews. I tend to only make notes if it is a heavy book, or there are a lot of characters to keep track of. Usually I just sit down infront of my laptop and just try and get the words out.
Have you ever considered becoming an author?
I get asked this quite a lot, oddly enough, but my answer never changes. I am no good at creative writing. I never have been, and I don’t think I have the imagination or thought processes to actually try and write something!
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What have been some highlights you have had whilst blogging?
I’ve been lucky enough to attend some author events, which has been great as I got to actually meet people that I’ve only chatted to on Twitter etc. I flew over to London a couple of years ago to a Ragnar Jónasson launch in Goldsboro Books, which was brilliant because he is one of my favourite authors. I also got to attend Harrogate this year, which has been the absolute highlight as I got to meet more amazing authors and bloggers.
I’ve had my reviews quoted inside and outside some amazing books, I am a character in a couple of books, and I swear, that will never get old!
What type of blogging events do you love and take part in?
As I’ve been taking a break, I haven’t participated in many events but where possible I’ll try and go to an author signing, or a blogger event, but to be honest not a lot happens over on the west coast of Ireland! Hence the flying over to the UK for events!
Any special places blogging has taken you to?
I’ve only gotten as far as the UK with blogging, but my dream would be to go to Iceland Noir. It sounds amazing, and I am a huge fan of Icelandic crime!
Which author would you most like to meet?
Well I’ve already met my favourite Icelandic author (Ragnar), and up until July I would have said Lee Child, but I had the pleasure of meeting him at Harrogate!
What advice would you give to authors wanting to approach you for a review, what would make you more inclined to accept requests etc
Try and personalise your email. If you know the bloggers name, use it. Check out their blog before you contact them, to make sure they read your genre, and that they are accepting requests.
Now to some fun questions about you:
Favourite movie:
I can’t pick one! Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Die Hard, Easy A, I really like funny movies!
Favourite music:
I listen to a lot of different stuff! I’ve seen Metallica, One Direction, Usher, Alice Cooper, Linkin Park, 5ive live, amongst many others. My fave band is possibly HIM, a Finnish love-metal band, but I also like pop music from the noughties!
Favourite food:
My husband makes an excellent chilli, so I think I’ll have to go with that!
Favourite book:
Too many to choose from! If I had to pick some, Into The Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes, Killing Floor by Lee Child, Snowblind by Ragnar Jónasson, Nevernight by Jay Kristoff.
Favourite holiday destination:
We don’t go on many holidays, but we were in Prague earlier this year and it was beautiful. I love going to cities because there is usually plenty to see and do!
We don’t have any pets in our house!
Besides books, do you have any other passion/hobbies?:
Not really. Books have always been my thing. I’m not sporty or anything!
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive who would that be and why?
I don’t think there is anyone I would like to meet that I haven’t already. Unless Tom Hiddleston counts?
What would be your idea of bliss?
A good book, a cup of tea and a Cadbury Mint Crisp in a warm cosy reading spot.
Any fun facts/stories you would like to share about yourself
I don’t think so, I’m pretty boring
😮You’ve done it again Roger Bray!
FUN INTERVIEW! ⭐Great getting to know you Kate. Love your favorite movie list!😊
Wishing you both the best!🌸