Roger Bray Books

Katie Jones

A big welcome today to Katie Jones who, by day, is a support worker for a UK charity but on her days off mainly indulges in reading to ‘escape into another world’.  From a young age she fell in love with reading. Her Mum really wanted her to succeed and taught her to read and write before she started school.   She says her parents are huge bookworms so it was only natural for her to fall in love with reading.

Can you tell us about yourself please?

Hi! Thank you for having me here today Roger, this will be a lot of fun! I’m Katie and I live in central England. By day I’m a support worker for a UK charity for adults with learning disabilities and by night I read a lot, both to unwind from work and to escape for a while. Apart from reading, I absolutely love to travel and visit new places. I have spent a few years living in Australia and I’m hoping soon to be moving in the next few years back over with my partner (if he likes it of course!)

How did you become involved in book blogging?

I’ve been an avid reader of book blogs for a while however I never thought that I would be able to have my own blog. It seemed like too much work! It wasn’t until late December 2017 when I asked my partner to help me set one up; it didn’t really take off until January 2018 and became involved in blog tours with publishers and tour organisers. I haven’t been blogging long so I still feel like my blog isn’t as good as others but people read my reviews and that’s all I wanted.

What is the best thing about blogging? What is the worst thing?

The best thing is definitely discovering new authors to read. There are many books that I never would have found on my own if it wasn’t for a blog tour running and as a result I have found some new favourite authors. The worst thing is not being able to read all the books that look good. It’s hard to sometimes say no but I don’t want to over book myself and let people down.

What is your favourite genre? What genres do you review?

I read all sorts of genres but I mainly stick with psychological thrillers, romance and police procedurals. If there’s a murder, romance or an investigation in it chances are I’ll want to read it!

How do you go about writing a review?

I don’t really have a specific way of writing a review, I generally sit down with my laptop and set the post up with all the links and blurb first. I then start writing about the book, what I loved, the writing style etc. Half the time I don’t like what I wrote so I’ll save it and then go back to it before it goes live.

Have you ever considered becoming an author?

I have and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I have ideas and a basic plot for a book however I don’t know where to start. I don’t have time at the moment which is annoying, I don’t even know if I’d be any good at writing something original.

What have been some highlights you have had whilst blogging?

I haven’t been blogging long but I have to say definitely when I was nominated for best newcomer in the bloggers bash awards earlier this year. I wasn’t expecting to be nominated and it was a complete surprise. Whoever nominated me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and it really meant a lot to me and encouraged me to keep blogging. Despite not winning or being placed I don’t mind, I still feel a winner!

What type of blogging events do you love and take part in?

I haven’t been to any blogging events yet but I would love to go to the Theakstons crime festival next year in Harrogate and meet some of the bloggers that I’ve got to know.

Any special places blogging has taken you to?

No special places yet but I would love to definitely meet some bloggers in the future. My friends don’t understand or read my blog so I would love to meet some people that do!

Which author would you most like to meet?

Oooh that’s a tough one, I’d say either Stephen King or JK Rowling.

What advice would you give to authors wanting to approach you for a review, what would make you more inclined to accept requests etc

Read my blog and review policy, use my name when contacting me and if I don’t want to read or don’t have the time at that moment to just accept that. We bloggers have lives too, can’t read all the books as much as we want to!

Now to some fun questions about you:

Favourite movie : Dirty Dancing

Favourite music: I listen to a wide variety of music, I can go from listening to the Spice Girls to Coldplay to Queen. I don’t really have a favourite genre.

Favourite food: Now this is a tough one, I love a lot of food and depending on the day I’d have a different favourite. Today I’d say lasagne, tomorrow it might be pizza, sushi or burgers, who knows!  You’ll have to get used to burning lumps of dead cow on the barbie!! 😉

Favourite book: Surprisingly this is easy, has to be the Harry Potter series. I will cherish my copies of these books forever.

Favourite holiday destination:  At the moment it will have to be either the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. I lived near the GC and I would spend a lot of time holidaying there if we end up over there. Same with the Sunshine Coast, so beautiful and stunning.  I currently live in the GC hinterland and have lived on the Sunny.  Next and final stop, Byron Bay hinterland!

Pets: No pets yet but it will definitely be a dog when we do get one.

Besides books, do you have any other passion/hobbies?  This will sound really sad but apart from work and reading I don’t really do much. I love to travel like I mentioned before, going to the gym/Zumba classes and watch TV series/movies on Netflix. I am pretty boring to be honest! My favourite thing to do with my partner is go to bookshops and look at all the books we want!

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive who would that be and why?  I’d have to say Jane Austen, I adore her books and I think she’d be quite a fascinating lady to talk to. I’d love to get her take on what she thinks about the world today.

What would be your idea of bliss?  Living with my partner in Australia, near the beach, reading while drinking cold beer. Heaven!  Except Fosters, nobody in Oz actually drinks the muck. Or VB, because it’s awful.

Any fun facts/stories you would like to share about yourself?

I’m terrified of frogs.  – You’re going to love the Queensland Cane Toads then!!   The frogs are the cute ones

I love theme parks, I’d travel the world visiting them all if I could.

Can’t think of anything else that is slightly interesting!

Queensland Cane Toad
Green Tree Frog

Thanks so much for taking part Katie.

You can see some of Katie excellent reviews on her website, link above or catch up with her social media.

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