Roger Bray Books

The Write Choice: Is pursuing a degree in creative writing studies worth it?

For quite some time, there’s been a debate, concerned both with the idea of education degrees and a profession in creative writing. Creative writing as a career path has become an avenue for people who are passionate about storytelling, self-expression, and literary exploration to be themselves and earn money while at it.


study creative writing

However, there are questions about the practical value of deciding to study creative writing for a degree.


What are the career prospects, or return on investment? In this article, we’ll take a look at the benefits of studying creative writing andthe challenges faced while exploring the professional and personal growth opportunities it presents.


Explore Career Opportunities

As an aspiring writer, one of your main concerns is about career opportunities that can be obtained after completing a degree in creative writing.

These career opportunities will include but are not limited to, the traditional writing jobs like being novelists, poets, and playwrights, and more non-traditional jobs like journalism, advertising, copywriting, content creation, and marketing and more.

Effective communication, increased storytelling prowess, and critical thinking are skills that can be acquired from studying creative writing. These skills are important for anyone who wants to break into the writing space because writing roles require creativity, the ability to relay thought coherently and communicate with a wide range of audience. 

Examining Industry Trends

The digital age has revolutionized the way content is created, consumed, and shared. Due to this revolution, the demand for skilled creative writers has greatly increased.

Creative writers are invaluable assets in today’s world. They are behind crafting compelling social media campaigns, developing exciting and immersive narratives for video games, and writing scripts for your favourite movies.

The rise of online platforms and digital publishing writing spaces has provided writers with avenues to showcase their work, attract and keep their audience, and even monetize their creativity while being independent.

It is important to note that creative writing studies do not only hone creative writing skills, they also empower aspiring writers to navigate and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of digital content creation.

Costs and Benefits

Like any educational pursuit, studying creative writing comes with costs, both financial and time-related. The financial cost, however dependent on your institution of choice, can range between $10,000 to $30,000 yearly. But do not be afraid!

As we have mentioned, it depends on your institution. Upon researching for institutions to study, you will easily find schools that offer an affordable fee for studying creative writing.

On the bright side, the value gained from such studies extends far beyond monetary considerations. A degree in creative writing offers the following benefits:

  • Structured learning environment.
  • Mentorship from experienced writers.
  • Opportunities for peer feedback and collaboration.
  • Access to resources like workshops and literary events.
  • Chance to develop a portfolio of work under expert guidance.

To mention more, the personal growth experienced during creative writing studies is worth the cost. Students have the opportunity to;

  • discover their unique voice,
  • acquire knowledge and insight on different genres and styles,
  • learn to give and receive constructive criticism,
  • develop resilience and perseverance in the face of creative challenges that will come.

You may not enjoy these benefits when learning creative writing online without supervision.

A degree in creative writing studies is sure to set you on the right path towards the achievement of your writing goals, by equipping you with the right skills, and exposing you to a sufficient amount of experience to navigate the real world as a writer!

writing online creative writing study

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