Roger Bray Books

Rachel Broughton

Today I am talking to Rachel Broughton, a mum of 2 who loves to snack, walk, knit & x stitch!  A book blogger who loves romance, thrillers, crime, mystery, historical fiction & childrens books.

Hi and welcome to Meet the Bloggers.

Can you tell us about yourself please?

Hi Roger, thank you for inviting me onto your blog. My name is Rachel or if you like you can call me Rae. I’m a married mum of a two, I live in Yorkshire and work part time. Between working, looking after the little ones and blogging I’m always pretty busy!

How did you become involved in book blogging?

To be honest I guess it was by accident I started reviewing the books that I had read on Goodreads and it snowballed from there. In December I will have had my blog for three years and I really don’t know where the time has gone!

What is the best thing about blogging?  What is the worst thing?

One of the best things about blogging is definitely other bloggers! I have “met” some amazing people and if I’m ever having a bad day even if they don’t realise it they really do make me smile. Whether it is chatting about bookish/non-bookish things or sharing gifs on Twitter! Plus I get to talk about books without annoying anyone (too much) and it is always lovely to get the opportunity to read books before they are released. I guess the worst is there just aren’t enough hours in the day to read every book and I hate not being able to fit a review in.

What is your favourite genre, what genres do you review?

The genre I read the most is romance closely followed by thrillers and mystery. However I have a real soft spot for historical romance. You will find quite a good mix over at my blog, it definitely keeps things interesting! I review pretty much anything although I have to admit to reading less sci-fi and horror.

How do you go about writing a review?

It varies to be honest, sometimes I make notes then other times I can write without. I always try to write a review as close to finishing the book as that way everything is still fresh in my mind.

Have you ever considered becoming an author?

In all honesty the idea is wonderful but I really don’t think I have the ability to do it. I really enjoy losing myself in a book so I think I will stick to reading instead!

What have been some highlights you have had whilst blogging?

There are so many brilliant things that have happened from being on blog tours for authors that I have admired for years. Chatting to lovely authors and bloggers on social media and I don’t think I will ever get tired of seeing quotes from my reviews whether it is on social media or in a book itself.

What type of blogging events do you love and take part in?

I haven’t actually been to any yet! To be honest I’m pretty quiet so I think I need to put my big girl pants on and pluck up the courage to go to one!

What advice would you give to authors wanting to approach you for a review, what would make you more inclined to accept requests etc?

It’s always nice to start the email with my name and basically just to tell me about your book. It doesn’t have to be an essay but I think the personal touch can make a difference. A good thing to do is if the blogger has a review policy it’s always worthwhile to read it first before contacting.

Now to some fun questions about you:

Favourite movie:

Shaun of the Dead  – Cheers!

Favourite music:

I will pretty much listen to anything, but eighties music is a favourite along with cheesy pop. I like to be able to sing along (badly) with the music!

Favourite food:

My mum makes the best Meat and Potato Pie! Favourite book I thought about it and I just can’t pick. I’m going to get myself settled and sit on the fence for this one!

Favourite holiday destination:

I love to travel although not so much since the little ones came along. This is a tough one to answer so I’m going to cheat and pick a couple is that okay? My mum loves Australia and I have been lucky enough to go four times and each holiday was amazing! I really enjoyed visiting the national parks in America. I’m also a bit of a Disney fan that was even before children so Disneyworld and Disneyland are always brilliant places to visit!

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Besides books, do you have any other passion/hobbies?

I enjoy cross stitch and I attempt to knit but the most I can manage is a scarf or a blanket. They are both lovely ways to relax so they make a good hobby.

What would be your idea of bliss?

A couple of hours relaxing with a book, cup of tea and definitely chocolate!

Thanks so much Rachel for taking the time from your busy schedule to chat with me.

You can read Rae’s excellent reviews on her website and catch up with her on social media

1 thought on “Rachel Broughton”

  1. Ilene Goff Kaufmann


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